OK. So its the week before Christmas (almost). The shopping is DONE!! Even Santa is done with his shopping. Which brings us to my point (assuming there is one in here somewhere). Linden still believes in Santa Claus. She's right on the edge of not believing. Right at that point where she doesn't quite trust the kids who are telling her different things. Right at the point where she has lots of questions. Now if you know Linden, you know that she has LOTS of questions. I think the word is actually 'incessant'? For the past several weeks, we have discussed ad nauseaum how Santa can possibly deliver to all the kids in the world (and believe me, she has more than one angle on this one), why we can't just fly to the North Pole and see Santa and why do kids keep lying to her about The Big Guy not being. To be honest, I am done with Santa. I'm ready to stop playing the game but I don't have the heart to tell her. Her sister is telling her big stories about Mr. Claus and his doings while at the same time slipping that she "knows" was Santa is bringing. Linden is a smart kid. I think this will probably be the last year for Santa, Mr. EB and the tooth fairy. I am trying to enjoy the magic for as long as it lasts. And so is Linden.
Link to where you can find this card : http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=14865605
Wait. Hold on just one tinny minute here - are you suggesting that Santa DOES NOT EXIST? Isn't that kinda like saying that that the sun does not rise or that Bush 1 & 2 does not exist? wait a minute - now I'm scaring myself! ;)
Keep with the magic - that is the best life has to offer.
I am not saying any such thing. As long as you believe, the magic lives.
Well that's just cute enough to make me squeeeeel!
LOL. Thanks Banana!
ok first I have to say the Pic is absolutely adorable .. and as far as Santa .. have you (and she) seen Polar Express? Hell i believe in the big guy still .. its all about the spirit and faith .. but I will say i found out young there wasnt an "actual" big guy but we still got presents from him for YEARS after!
Debbi, we haven't read that one. Don't want to see the movie. The animation kind of creeps me out. Everyone is Tom Hanks? That's just not right.
Its not the spirit that I have a problem, I agree and I encourage that. Its the constant discussion that we have to have about every little detail about Santa, his residence, and any other thing she can think of. I belive we had a conversation today about the yoyo that Santa brought her and why I knew it only cost a dollar.
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